- Benioff, Marc. 2020. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff On What Returning To Work Will Look Like. 5 May. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDhOmCUkP2E (accessed 6 May 2020).
- Cecco, Leyland. 2020. Google affiliate Sidewalk Labs abruptly abandons Toronto smart city project. The Guardian, 7 May. Available online: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/may/07/google-sidewalk-labs-toronto-smart-city-abandoned (accessed 8 May 2020).
- Chang, Vanessa. 2020. The Post-Pandemic Style. Slate, 19 April. Available online: https://slate.com/business/2020/04/coronavirus-architecture-1918-flu-cholera-modernism.html (accessed 8 May 2020).
- Fry, Hannah, and Javid Abdelmoneim. 2018. BBC Contagion The BBC Four Pandemic 2018. YouTube, 22 March. Available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmGiDUczhqQ (accessed 7 May 2020).
- Marinaki, Tina. 2020. Pandemic architecture. International Ideas Competition, 7 May. Available online: https://www.archisearch.gr/architecture/open-call-pandemic-architecture-international-ideas-competition/(accessed 7 May 2020).
- BBC documentary from 2018 on the likely prospects of a flue pandemic: Contagion The BBC Four Pandemic.
- https://www.gsd.harvard.edu/2020/04/the-pandemic-may-instigate-a-radical-transformation-in-building-and-designing-for-health-but-not-everyone-will-benefit-equally/
- https://www.newstatesman.com/world/europe/2020/04/tale-three-cities-places-transformed-pandemics-across-history
- https://www.newyorker.com/culture/annals-of-inquiry/the-coronavirus-and-our-future
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-nhSZ3DY4GbFBPnWRGD-XLBla4ZdFoT-/viewhttps://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/05/opinion/cities-density-coronavirus.html
- https://archinect.com/news/article/150194254/princeton-soa-manual-of-urban-distance-awarded-covid-19-research-funding
- https://www.citylab.com/design/2020/04/bathroom-home-design-history-disease-hygiene-coronavirus/609745/?utm_source=fbb%3Futm_source%3Dfbb&fbclid=IwAR18BXHhNI0BP9LFLI273bTHArUhYI7ZoGK6ccyM05T47oP7pYt2KKKye5o
- Molteni, Megan. 2020. Why meatpacking plants have become Covid-19 hot spots. Wired, 7 May. Available online: https://www.wired.com/story/why-meatpacking-plants-have-become-covid-19-hot-spots/ (accessed 10 May 2020).
Liam Ross: This list of Covid related development grants is being circulated by the UoE development research hub mailing list. May be relevant to this group, though more hard-science focussed.
Subject: aae : catalyst pedagogies and the pandemic displacement of architectural education
Catalyst Pedagogies and the Pandemic Displacement of Architectural Education
This special issue of Charrette, calls for scholarly contributions re-evaluating architectural education and pedagogies within a global scale, sharing critical responses and novel experiences of architectural education practice, drawing from the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on higher education. These can arguably be considered as the foundation of a group of catalyst pedagogies, portraying the image of flexibility and adaptability in the changing landscape of architectural education.
Contributions can be made to one of the three categories of Charrette: Essay, Project or Freespace. Expressions of interest should be submitted by an Extended Abstract of 500 words to charrette@architecturaleducators.org by Wednesday 3 June 2020. Selected contributions will be invited to submit full papers for the Charrette 7(1) issue to be published in Spring 2021, by 1st September 2020.
Harry Smith identified the following funding opportunities:
Publications by ESA staff and students:
https://acssmigration.wordpress.com/2020/05/12/debunking-the-virus-does-not-discriminate-myth-the-unequal-impact-of-covid-19-on-ethnic-minority-groups/ (Farjana Islam and Gina Netto, from The Urban Institute – TUI, HWU )
https://ukandeu.ac.uk/what-shops-will-be-left-after-the-pandemic/# (Colin Jones, from The Urban Institute – TUI, HWU)
https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(20)30112-1/fulltext (Michael Gormley and David Kelly, from the Institute of Sustainable Building Design – ISBD, HWU)
https://www.buildingsandcities.org/insights/commentaries/pandemics-why-buildings-are-hazards.html (Michael Gormley, from the Institute of Sustainable Building Design – ISBD, HWU)
Publications about cities and COVID-19:
Excellent set of resources to support new collaborations across ESA.
Williams, Richard. 2020. Will You Want to Go Straight Back Into the Crowd? The New York Times, 5 May. Available online: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/05/opinion/cities-density-coronavirus.html (accessed 15 May 2020).
BRAINS vs VIRUS, the largest crowdsourced neuroscience study to date. We are overwhelmed to see how engaged our community has been. Your contribution to this research is invaluable in helping governments and health agencies improve the way they communicate about COVID-19 and better understand the effects of working from home. http://www.emotiv.com/brainsvsvirus
Note from Aidan Mosselson
We would like to invite you to an open webinar we are organizing from the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability (BCNUEJ) and the EU project UrbanA on June 5th at 14h30 (CEST – Barcelona time). The webinar will address Imagining Cities Post Covid with an emphasis on justice and sustainability.
I hope it is of interest, here is the registration link<https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gryJ6_3xSWudtBd7SRYQqw> and more details below (and in this page<http://www.bcnuej.org/event/urbana-open-webinar-covid-19-pandemic/>):
COVID-19 pandemic: A critical turning point in how we imagine cities
June 5 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm CEST
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gryJ6_3xSWudtBd7SRYQqw
What does COVID-19 tell us about justice and sustainability in cities? This session will include a short lecture followed by an online conversation on how the COVID-19 has exacerbated urban environmental and health inequalities and how it can be a unique chance to create more just and sustainable urban futures. COVID-19 is thus a turning point on how we can imagine and plan our cities to address the social and health crisis it has triggered.
We will discuss the following questions, among others:
* What are the main manifestations of health and environmental inequalities and related, emergent questions around urban justice in times of pandemic and social confinement? To what extent, and where. are such inequalities being addressed in bold, radical ways that can redefine urban futures?
* How does COVID-19 redefine and force us to rethink urban infrastructure (housing, transit, and public space) need, use, and inequalities?
* What lessons can we draw from a crisis such as COVID-19 to build more just and sustainable cities, especially in the context of a changing climate?
This webinar is part of a broader multi-stakeholder initiative and engagement of UrbanA and BCNUEJ partners to build opportunities and address challenges towards more resilient and sustainable cities, where justice, equity, and inclusion are at the heart of planning, policy, and civic processes, rather than an after-thought or a peripheral consideration.
All three speakers are members of the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability, a research lab part of ICTA and IMIM at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
* Helen Cole, social epidemiologist, co-coordinator of the research line on urban environmental, health, and equity at BCNUEJ.
* Isabelle Anguelovski, urban planner specialized in urban environmental justice, ICREA research professor and BCNUEJ Director.
* Panagiota Kotsila, political ecologist specialized in health at ICTA-UAB, member of the Undisciplined Environments collective, and coordinator of the research line on urban political ecology at BCNUEJ.
In the first part of the event, our main speakers will offer a professionally recorded visual and oral presentation (30’ in total) which will be followed by comments, discussions, and reflections by invited commentators and the attending audience (30’). A graphic storytelling artist will be sketching live and will be sharing the outcome at the end (10’).
This webinar is part of the second UrbanA Arena event, a 2-day online event taking place during 4th-5th June, which brings together urban academics, researchers, practitioners, planners, and civil society groups working towards more inclusive and equitable sustainable cities. The Arena event is focused on identifying drivers and manifestations of urban injustice, and their interconnections, especially in the context of urban sustainability efforts.
Note from Kate Carter
I am working with the social housing sector on a small project linked to Covid-19. We are exploring the potential increase in personal data used/required (?) to help manage/engage with housing/tenants/communities. This is continuing a string of projects with a few housing associations I have been working with over the last few years.
Hope to turn this into a bigger project. The projects started with a focus on data and buildings (BIM, etc) but has morphed into a broader consideration of data, people, energy, fuel poverty….
Notes from Richard Coyne
Architecture post-COVID
What are the spatial implications of social isolation? Demonstrators arranged themselves on a social-distancing grid at the Athens May Day gathering, conjuring up a scenario of a gridded world, where citizens move about as if on a chessboard or an early version of SimCity. Architects gravitate towards extreme conditions as a way of unleashing new … Continue reading →
COVID couture
Why cover your nose and mouth with fabric during an epidemic? Apart from any practical advantages, and disadvantages, a face mask is a sign. Whether or not they are effective in blocking viruses, (non-surgical) face masks transmit messages. Before the current crisis I wrote a book on the founder of semiotics Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). … Continue reading →
Living with virions [and Ro]
Smartphones can’t yet take your temperature and diagnose if you are carrying an infection. But developers are designing smartphone apps to trace if you’ve been in contact with someone who has COVID-19. The most promising contact tracing apps enable smartphones to exchange short encrypted messages when they are within range of one another. That happens … Continue reading →
The metropolis is about as good as a city can get. As “the mother city”, it combines the best of its predecessor types: the family-based village community (eopolis), and that mutually supporting defensive community known as the polis. The metropolis is that stage in the evolution of the city where labour skills divide. Specialist workers … Continue reading →
The third great confinement
As I’m considering this for part of a future publication, I thought I should write the following in the past tense. I wonder if it will stand the test of time. I wrote most of this during the third great confinement, the global shutdown during the pandemic of 2020. Cities had to marshal their resources … Continue reading →
Pandi noir
Pandemic and panic look a bit the same. A pandemic is a characteristic shared by everyone, in this case a disease or its threat. Panic pertains to Pan, the god of wild nature. To panic is to go wild. According to etymonline.com pan can be taken to mean “all” in both cases – i.e. all … Continue reading →
Grant Opportunities
Regional Studies Association: Small Grant Scheme on Pandemics, Cities, Regions & Industry
Deadline: 22 June 2020
Budget: £4000
Funding to support discrete pieces of regional studies and/or regional science research on the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on regions cities and industry.
UKRI: GCRF/Newton Fund Agile Response call to address COVID-19
Deadline: None
Budget: Unspecified
Support for short-term projects addressing and mitigating the health, social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak in Low and Middle Income Countries.
UKRI: ISCF Healthy Ageing Social, Behavioural & Design Research Programme
Deadlines: outline 7 July 2020; full 5 November 2020.
Budget: £2M
This programme will fund interdisciplinary academic-led teams, working in partnership with a range of stakeholders, to develop the research base in social, behavioural and design aspects of healthy ageing, enhancing our understanding of the needs of the ageing population, informing innovators and influencing market behaviours. Funded projects may address, but are not limited to, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on social, behavioural and design aspects of healthy ageing.
Funding resources:
Research Professional search: Calls related to COVID-19
Edinburgh Research Office SharePoint (for information on the support we offer, funder guidance and funding opportunities): COVID-19 and Research
Liam Ross says, “COVID likely thematic for structuring EFI UG teaching around in first years, so research themes here might also be teaching themes in that context.”
Bahadursingh, Nathaniel. 2020. 8 ways COVID-19 will change architecture: The way we design, build and inhabit cities may never be the same. Architizer. Available online: https://architizer.com/blog/inspiration/industry/covid19-city-design/?utm_source=Architizer&utm_campaign=3d783776f2-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_11_01_01_02_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_da3caaef3d-3d783776f2-25013535 (accessed 19 May 2020).
RIBA note: How is Coronavirus affecting supply chains and tender prices?
Chat stream from ESALA Covid Conversation today: https://www.ekep.eca.ed.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/CovidConversationChat1.pdf
This file is from a screen snapshot of the chat pages. You can search, select and copy paste, but the URLs aren’t active.
Penny Travlou says:
I think that this event may be of interest to our group here.
“Virtual Opening and Streaming Festival: Critical Zones”
by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel
Fri, 22.05.2020 6 pm – Sun, 24.05.2020 11.30 pm
Online Free entry
Edinburgh Strategic Alliance Research Responses to COVID-19
As part of the ongoing University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh Strategic Alliance (ESA) in Architecture, Built Environment and Planning, we are organising a joint workshop on 14th August to which you are cordially invited.
This joint workshop aims to
• Network and get to know one another further
• Discuss new and imaginative research to address the COVID pandemic
• Explore opportunities for joint projects
• Identify possible research partnerships within and beyond ESA
10.00 – 12.30 Friday 14 August 2020
Platform: Zoom video conference call with breakouts. Please RSVP/Accept the calendar invitation and we will send you the link.
Richard Coyne (ESALA)
Harry Smith (TUI)
Ryan Woolrych (Director of TUI)
Jill McIntyre (ISPHERE)
10.00 Welcome, introduction to the workshop and theme (Harry and Richard)
10.15 Presentations on activities by participants
6 presentations about research groups and interests: 5 minutes each (3 from each university)
10.45 Breakout sessions based around themes
• A Home: housing and homelessness
• B Social inclusion: diversity, inequality, aging
• C Place and space: urban form, infrastructures and open spaces
• What are the major social and environmental challenges within this theme?
• How has the pandemic impacted on how we frame these challenges?
• What are the short term and long-term impacts of the pandemic on research in this area?
• What COVID-related research initiatives are taking place that we know about in these areas?
• Identify potential research projects we could take forward
• Identify potential project partners and networks
11.45 Coffee break
12.00 Plenary session
Identify next steps
12.30 Lunch, networking, informal chat
– End –
Housing and the City
17th Annual International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association
19, 20, 21 November 2020
Social distancing: tre progetti per riconquistare lo spazio pubblico – Icon DesignUn’installazione temporanea ultimata in un borgo toscano; un progetto che risponde all’appello lanciato dal primo cittadino di Milano; una coperta da realizzare in autonomia, seguendo alcune …
“Housing: Hacking the Crisis of Home” organised by MoneyLab and Aksioma (Slovenia) https://aksioma.org/moneylab8/
8 June 2020
(1 liked)When Cleaning Is the Only OptionMy mother scrubs toilets for a living. That makes her someone who has been deemed essential, but who has always been thought of as less than.www.nytimes.com
RIBA piece https://www.architecture.com/knowledge-and-resources/knowledge-landing-page/when-will-the-coronavirus-furlough-scheme-be-ending?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_term=&utm_content=lead_article_button&utm_campaign=MU_04_06_20%20
The universal right to breathe:
“Already some people are talking about “post-Covid-19.” And why should they not? Even if, for most of us, especially those in parts of the world where health care systems have been devastated by years of organized neglect, the worst is yet to come. With no hospital beds, no respirators, no mass testing, no masks nor disinfectants nor arrangements for placing those who are infected in quarantine, unfortunately, many will not pass through the eye of the needle.”
(2 liked)Spaces of publicness and the world after the Coronavirus crisis. Being public is essential to social and political life. Political counterpublics, including the growing “climate public” and “mutual aid public,” will be part of any just post-Coronavirus future. A…www.societyandspace.org<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/message/19:e1e4e2f63ca0427c9719c16ccf0b81c4@thread.tacv2/1593019918850?tenantId=2e9f06b0-1669-4589-8789-10a06934dc61&groupId=c6547d89-aa27-45ea-b6c7-efd32bd793e9&parentMessageId=1593019918850&teamName=COVID research conversations
“Leaders agree on slimmed-down €80.9B for Horizon Europe
EU heads of state agree on historic budget deal, but partly at the cost of research funding, despite science’s role in fighting COVID-19. Critics say the Horizon budget became a ‘cash cow’ during budget talks.”
I hope this message finds you well.
My name is Nicolas Zehner. I am a third-year PhD candidate in the sociology department. On behalf of the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences’ Dean of Research and supervised by Professor Suzanne Ewing, I am currently conducting a mapping exercise gathering cities-related research.
In 2019, following an extensive mapping and consultation exercise, CAHSS adopted 9 broad interdisciplinary themes which capture our key research strengths and bring together the arts and humanities with the social sciences. The themes will enable us to communicate our research to external and internal audiences, foster new collaborations and partnerships across industry, policy and practice, and position ourselves to lead major new projects. More about each theme can be found through the link below:
We have now begun to scope priority areas and initiatives within each theme, and we are getting in touch with you because we think you may have a valuable contribution to make to the theme of “Cities”.
The “Cities” research theme brings together a range of disciplines to support the development of smart, sustainable and inclusive cities. Researchers combine architecture and design with a focus on well-being and inclusion, sustainability and energy use, and the deployment of urban analytics and modelling; and our research in this area addresses the city both locally in Edinburgh, and internationally, global south. We work closely with colleagues in Informatics, Engineering and Geosciences, and in collaboration with Glasgow University (through a joint PhD Fellowship scheme) and Heriot Watt University (through the Edinburgh Strategic Alliance).
This email invites you to ‘save the date’, if you are available, to attend a workshop on Monday, 28 June between 10 am and 12.30 pm to find out more about the mapping exercise, to discuss opportunities, challenges presented by the theme and to shape future activity on Cities. If you are able to attend, do please let us know by responding to this email by Friday 25 June. Key sessions in the workshop will be recorded and made available online for those who are unable to attend. This workshop augments network building and cross-University activity on the Future Cities theme (https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a50730b8cdb3a45c1b0ccd3502c901f93%40thread.skype/conversations?groupId=5f612a67-132b-44e9-8242-6b5510ad8fc7&tenantId=2e9f06b0-1669-4589-8789-10a06934dc61).
We may also be in touch with you subsequently to discuss your own research in a little more depth.
With best wishes,
Nicolas Zehner
PhD Candidate
University of Edinburgh